School zones exist to keep children safe while crossing roads, getting on and off buses, walking and riding bikes to and from school. School zones are enforced at two specific times during the day and aren’t in use during school holidays.
As a driver it can be easy to ‘forget’ that school zones exist. The speed limit in school zones is 40km per hour and the school zone time frames are generally 8am to 9.30am in the morning and from 2.30pm to 4pm in the afternoon.
There are some non-standard school zone times in NSW, for more information visit
The penalties for exceeding the speed limit in a school zone depend on what type of vehicle you are driving, and what type of licence you have. Stronger penalties may apply where the driver is using a mobile phone, the driver tests positive for alcohol or drugs, the driver is driving an unregistered vehicle or the driver has previous driving offences.
If you have received a fine and need advice, please contact our team on
02 6542 5566.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
This newsletter is intended to provide general information. You should obtain professional advice before you undertake any course of action.
ABN: 41 847 630 789