Did you know you must slow down when passing stationary emergency vehicles with flashing lights?
Motorists travelling 80km/h or less must slow down to 40km/h when passing stationary tow trucks, breakdown assistance or emergency vehicles with flashing lights. Motorists travelling 90km/h or more must slow down safely to a speed that's reasonable for the circumstances.
Reduce your speed if:
• You see a stationary vehicle with flashing lights.
• The stationary vehicle is close to moving traffic with little space available.
• There are pedestrians moving on the road near the incident or breakdown.
When you hear a siren or see flashing lights:
• Keep clear and give way to the emergency vehicle at all times.
• Move out of the way as soon as you can safely do so.
• Remain stopped until it's safe to proceed, even if the traffic light is green.
Emergency vehicles travelling with audible sirens or flashing lights are responding to urgent situations. You should always be extra cautious when you see flashing lights or hear sirens. For more information visit https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/roadsafety/topics-tips/emergency-vehicles
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