Do you know who will look after your children should you pass away? If you were in an accident and left mentally incapacitated, who would look after your well-being and your finances on your behalf?
The compassionate staff at Equilaw can help you answer these questions.
The process of updating your Will does not need to be complicated or time consuming. But it does give you peace of mind that your wishes will be carried out as you had planned. Whilst preparing your Will is important. Reviewing and updating your Will to ensure it is still current is equally important. Keeping a current and valid Will is the best way you can ensure your assets will be distributed according to your wishes when you die. Your Will should reflect any significant changes.
If you have changed circumstances whether change in personal circumstances, death of a spouse or executor named in your Will, or purchase or sale of assets, you should review and update your Will as soon as possible.
Call us today on 02 6542 5566 for a free quote if you would like to prepare or update your Will.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. This newsletter is intended to provide general information. You should obtain professional advice before you undertake any course of action.
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