Mobile phone use is so integrated into our lives. We may not even realise how often we’re using them. It can be tempting to use our phones while driving to listen to music, scroll social media, text and talk to each other. However, touching a mobile phone while driving is illegal.
Driving is a complex task. Anything that distracts you by taking your mind or eyes off the road, or your hands off the wheel, not only compromises your safety, but puts everyone else on the road at high risk.
Being distracted increases your chances of having a crash. It slows down your reaction times and puts you in danger of failing to see hazards such as traffic lights, stop signs or other road users.
Make sure you know the rules about mobile use while driving. For more information visit
The better option is to pull over in a safe place if you need to use your mobile phone. Otherwise, the next best thing is to use handsfree options, such as a cradle or Bluetooth linked to your car.
If you have been caught using your phone or caught by a mobile phone detection camera and need legal help, contact our friendly team on 02 6542 5566.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. This newsletter is intended to provide general information. You should obtain professional advice before you undertake any course of action.
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