Many parents find it challenging to reach an agreement in relation to parenting arrangements. This is even more apparent during holiday periods. So, what can parents who are separated do to make it a little easier on themselves and their children?
Communication is the key. Start communicating well ahead of time. The best interest of the children is an important consideration. If the parties can communicate and negotiate effectively it is more likely an agreement can be reached to avoid conflict. It is important to keep children away from conflict between the parties. Criticising the other parent when talking to your children or arguing in their presence is unhealthy for the child’s development and may contribute to mental health issues.
Despite your best efforts, difficulties may still arise. If you find yourself in this situation our lawyers can explain the law regarding various situations with relationships and children. They will give you advice about the options available to you. For more information or to make an appointment at our office to discuss further, call us on
02 6542 5566.
*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
This information is intended to provide general information.
You should obtain professional advice before you undertake any course of action.
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