Following the overnight Government announcement that all non-essential services are to close for
an indefinite period, we at Equilaw are taking this opportunity to assure you that our office remains open and our team is committed to providing you with the highest levels of service during this difficult period.
No doubt you will have questions around your conveyance, employment, family law, insolvency,
wills and business operations as you reflect upon the current environment. Michael, Ben, Rebecca, Joshua, Renee and the team are available to provide the guidance you need on those topics and more.
The health of our clients, staff and community is a paramount consideration and like all responsible organisations we are committed to following the COVID-19 guidelines issued by New South Wales Health.
To access these guidelines and a handy FAQ questions section on COVID-19 please visit At this time none of our staff are unwell or at risk and we will ensure that the strictest hygiene controls are maintained in our office to ensure your safety.
If you have travelled overseas in the last 14 days, or you or someone you have been in close contact with are unwell then please contact our office on
02 6542 5566
to arrange a telephone conference.
If you have taken steps to self-isolate for the protection of you and your loved ones then we are able to offer you appointments by telephone, skype call or zoom conferencing. We can also come to you for the signing of required documents.
As more detail is forth coming from Government on the stimulus measures available to individuals and businesses as well as the impact of non-essential closures on businesses, we will post regular updates by email and on our Facebook page: If you wish to be added to our mailing list please email
or call
02 6542 5566.
At this time the most efficient method of contacting our team is calling
02 6542 5566
or by
email. Should your inquiry occur after hours or during a time of shut down then our team of lawyers can still be reached on:
We are to help. Stay well. Stay safe.
ABN: 41 847 630 789